

Alchemy Training follows the CHEK Institute approach to integrated and holistic health, fitness and wellbeing of clients. Richard Albrow is a Level 2 CHEK Trained Professional.  His focus is corrective holistic exercise kinesiology to increase strength, reduce pain, prevent injury and improve athletic performance. 

How it Works

An initial postural analysis, range of motion and functional testing is performed to build an individualized strength training program to meet your personal goals.

The Alchemy Training studio is outfitted with the necessary equipment for full body strength training and endurance conditioning utilizing balance, resistance, and weights. 

His one-on-one training approach will leave you happier, healthier, and stronger!

About Richard

Richard's desire to help people train for health and sport prompted a career change from Chemical Engineering to opening Alchemy Training in 2006.  Back in 1998 Richard personally experienced the benefits of a CHEK Institute program leading to a long and successful career as a triathlete. He competed in the Ironman World Championship in Kona more than six times with his best finish of 69th overall with a time of 9 hours and 11 minutes. He also competes in cycling as a Masters or Category 3 racer. 

More than 30 years of training & nutrition

With over three decades dedicated to training, competing, mastering nutrition, studying sports therapy and strength training; Richard offers the expertise needed to tailor a program specifically for you.

Customized program based on your needs

After conducting a comprehensive assessment of your mobility, balance, and strength; Richard will craft a personalized series of programs. These tailored workouts will not only keep your exercise routine dynamic but also enhance your stability over time.

Passionate about heath & wellness

Richard's passion for health and fitness is unparalleled. With an extensive understanding of various pains, aches, and ailments, there's hardly a health issue he hasn't encountered. And if by chance he's unfamiliar, he's sure to learn all about it. 

Contact Richard

Don't hesitate to reach out for an assessment today!