Pickleball Saves Lives
What Does it Mean?
The laughter, competition, social and fun factors are why it is the fastest growing sport in America. It is also why everyone that becomes addicted to this game wants to quit their job to play pickleball everyday!
Pickleball is a sport that can bring you back from sadness and heartbreak; or literally save your life through fitness and movement. It provides athletes a platform to compete again.
More importantly it gives everyone a chance to get off the bench and play! Any age, any fitness, any athletic ability can play pickleball while laughing and competing until the last game.
A couple of years ago I was practicing pickleball with my new friend, Dean. I say new friend because unlike any other hobby or sport I tried pickleball introduces me to people that I otherwise never would have met.

Dean is a former Division 1 Collegiate tennis player. Of course he took to pickleball like a pig in mud. I myself am a, "No I never played tennis," pickleball player. I desperately wanted a little of his pickleball magic.
There comes a point in any pickleball friendship when you realize you know nothing about this person you spend hours with each week. Eventually, you stop playing pickleball long enough to ask a personal question or two, but no more than two questions. There is pickleball to be played, obviously! We learned each other's pickleball story. How we found the sport. What it means to us now.Then he says, "pickleball saves lives". The truth and power in these words resonated with me.

For me, it was exactly what my life was missing. A place to have fun, meet people and move forward from a divorce and stressful time at work. Pickleball helped me find community and feel like an athlete again. I played softball, basketball and Division 1 Collegiate Volleyball. I never thought I would be back on a court feeling like an athlete.
It has been a couple of years, since I was first dragged onto a pickleball court by my Mom. Now, I can't imagine my life without this game and the people who play it.
I look forward to hearing more Pickleball Saves Lives stories. Email us at info@vivuspickleball.com with your story to be featured on the website.
Jessica, Owner
1 comment
Dean your father and mother talk about you all the time and how wonderful you are and how much you’ve done with your life and how exciting this pickle ball has become to you and all the success you had and are having playing the game. I hope to meet up with you soon as it has been so many years since I’ve really seen you. Good luck with your continued challenges. Dr. D